I am anxious to hear how your son makes up.
It would be great if you could keep us posted on this.
Special K
well this is about as real as it gets.
in about an hour my son will be appearing before a judicial committee for the second time in as many weeks.
unfortunately i just happen to be about 3000 miles away right now (business trip) so i cant be there for support and i cant get the ancillary information that i would normally get just by being present.
I am anxious to hear how your son makes up.
It would be great if you could keep us posted on this.
Special K
as in ....you post something you feel is rather innocuous, or sincere, or perhaps revealing something rather private and honest and candid, and someone blows you away with a nasty comment?.
i am not speaking of heated debates.
if one participates in those, one expects to receive passionate replies which may sometimes hurt.
No Beryl I haven't been taken back by what someone said to me personally.
I'm too new yet, I think..
BUT... I have been surprised to see what some have said to others..(I think name calling is getting kind of low on the totem pole) alot of times though as the bantering continues on the thread it sometimes has ended with apologies being posted from both sides. That is kind of nice to see.
Some of these issues are such HOT TOPICS it is easy that at times people can become very passionate about what they are saying even to the point of being down right RUDE.
I've started taking longer in making my posts. It's a little to easy to press the send button... and then it's gone before you have had time to think about what you wrote and how it will affect others or possibly be taken the wrong way. It's the same thing as talking without thinking.. Typing and sending without thinking it through.
So... I type just as fast as ever.. but I'm slower to press the SEND BUTTON.
If someone has posted something that seemed particularly nasty, I too, have gone back and read most of their posts and can sometimes see that their thoughts have been moulded by particular circumstances which they have been through. (It has helped me to feel more compassion to such ones)
Special k
did you ever work with this contraption?
when i was young, i used it in school.
did you ever use this, and do you still remember how it works?.
Those are what the governing body of Jehovahs Witnesses use.
.....SLIDE..... RULES.....
special k
did you ever work with this contraption?
when i was young, i used it in school.
did you ever use this, and do you still remember how it works?.
I remember one of those rulers.
The elders used them at the Kingdom Hall to measure if the sisters dresses were just the right length , dresses couldn't be too short you know.
Or to measure the brothers hair length, especially around the ears and around the back of the neck.
special K
personally i was quite serious at a young age.. there was no "boys will be boys" growing up.
personally i feel kind of cheated out of a childhood by an organization that forced you to think that "everything around you was going to be gone soon so you better grow up, start publishing, and giving talks.
" did any of you experience a less than stellar childhood, especially because of the lack of holidays and socially-isolating religion gowing up?
Hey ignorance is strength:
Me too, I feel my childhood was a total cheat.
Being raised a in J.W.'s and going to school was horrible.
Made fun of in school, always picked on for not standing for the National anthem.
I hated school, because of being a J.W.
I became pretty much a loner at school, because I did not fit in due to the J.W. stuff.
Being a J.W. and school just sucks. They just don't go together.
Special K
as she rises through the posting ranks.... to become...... our newest empress!!!.
all hail empress mouthy!!.
love, scully.
Congratulations to you mouthy.
Keep up the fine work on the forum.
Enjoy your comments.
Special K
i'm sure i'm not the only mom here who would love to exchange ideas for kids' school lunches.
i don't know about anyone else, but my daughters' school (junior kindergarden - grade 8) has a nut-free policy that requires compliance for the good of the kids who have severe allergies to nuts.
pre-packaged foods have to be carefully examined for even traces of nuts.
Hey scully,
Can you pack my lunch for me??? Your lunches sound like an adventure in fine dining. finger foods munchy and crunchy juicy squirty. yum yum.
It is my older kids responsibilty to pack their own lunch and have their beds made before they go to school. And since I drive the older two to school, it is there job to have the van warmed up and ready to go throughout the winter.
My youngest, I pack for,.. he likes the typical kid food of today. Somedays, I make him up chicken nuggets in the oven and he takes those and some plum dip.
Salami sandwich,
juice or milk
and only one suggary treat in his lunchbox , which he gets to choose.
those cheese stick things that you pull down in strips and make funny characters.
I let him buy lunch one day a week
Garlic fingers and donair sauce dip.
He's a real dippy kind of guy.
He also tends to do the bulk of his eating from the time he gets home until bedtime. So that is when I have veggies and again (dip) . lots of fruit. milk.. and big bottle of water. He doesn't seem to get enough to drink at school. Tooo busy with his friends and socializing.
We have a kid, in the neighourhood, that starts at his school next year who is severely allergic to peanuts and all nuts..and nut oils. So the crunch will come next year when the school asks all parents to not use peanut butter etc to school.
special k
when i read about september 11 and the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, i always think something big is being planned again.
do you tend to worry about this stuff?
I'm not as worried now as when it first happenned.
The U.S. homeland security will be on high alert. and will have fighter jets up in the air through that week..
I'm more concerned that with that big power outage they might be more interested in hitting a major power plant. It affected a wide berth of people.
I have family close to Boston who lost employees in Sept 11. So .. that was hard to take. Our frustration was trying to contact them on that day and make sure they weren't on any of those flights.
As we went to see the Portland Sea Dogs baseball team battle the Connecticut Ravens in Portland, Maine, . security was still a part of the pre game activity. They checked our bags etc, before we could get into the game. I guess the same is true at Fenway in Boston.
At the border, it was different to see customs officers carrying side arms since Sept 11.
I feel okay that the U.S. will have everything covered well.
Special K
well i am just waiting for my ride and then i will be off.
hope the results are good of the biopsy although i might not find out today.
and yesterday i bought myself two canes - one sleek brass colored folding cane and the other a standard purple floral number weehoo.
Hey Ladylee,
Some good old J.W. books are good for throwing up on.
They soak up well
As you throw up on selected pages it even might make you feel better as you barf.
Glad your okay, and keep us posted as to results.
special k
well i am just waiting for my ride and then i will be off.
hope the results are good of the biopsy although i might not find out today.
and yesterday i bought myself two canes - one sleek brass colored folding cane and the other a standard purple floral number weehoo.
Hey Ladylee,
I went to your posts and refreshed myself on how you are doing.
So... you're going to get some suspicious lesions checked out.
Hoping things go well with that.
By the way.. I see you have vascular studies done on lower legs.
Did you by chance have nerve conduction studies done on your legs and feet?
That can be quite revealing about where nerves are being restricted and exactly WHERE they are being restricted.
take care and will be watching here for you
kiss and a hug
Special K